Thursday, May 1, 2008


Comic book readers know that in Bizarro World, everything is reversed. Some of the more opportunistic Godfathers of American Jewry recently convened in Bizarro World to issue a DECLARATION (oooohhhh!!), directing Jews to boycott the Beijing Olympics. Led by pompous blowhards “Yitz” (how sporty) Greenberg, Haskell Lookstein and Rafael Medoff (Wyman Institute), the signatories are “deeply troubled” by Chinese “injustice and persecution” toward Tibet. The Chinese transgressions troubling these gasbags surely include:

Suppression of an indigenous people by overwhelming military superiority;

Settlement of majority (Han Chinese) civilians in Tibetan provinces to dilute Tibetan continuity and undermine Tibetan autonomy;

Manipulation of public opinion to brand the victimized minority as the aggressor;

Demonization of the Tibetan minority’s chosen leaders, and refusal to negotiate with them;

Exaggerated emphasis on ethnic and religious differences and minimization of common or universal interests.

There’s no hypocrisy in Bizarro World, only mirror images, so the obvious similarities to Circus Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians don’t deeply trouble the DECLARATION pushers. Consequently, they can opine, without irony, that “Jews should not be party to the whitewashing of such a regime."

The real reason these charlatans are belly-aching about China is to exert pressure on China’s “friendship” with Iran and Syria - and to blow smoke about Islamist violence in southern Sudan to curry favor with Christian Zionists. In Bizarro World, Israel’s associations with – to name a few - Apartheid South Africa, the Nicaraguan Contras, Jonas Savimbi, the Colombian right-wing death squads and, for that matter, China, don’t register.

As for the selective demand that Jewish jocks boycott the games (apparently gentile athletes wouldn’t have the moral fiber), who cares? Exactly what Olympic event will be diminished if Jews don’t suit up?

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