Thursday, September 25, 2008
In 2005, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (now, the European Agency for Fundamental Rights) developed the following “working definition” of anti-semitism:
In 2005, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (now, the European Agency for Fundamental Rights) developed the following “working definition” of anti-semitism:
"Anti-semitism is a certain perception of the Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
Examples of manifestations of anti-semitism include “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination.”
Despite their laudable intentions, the definition and accompanying examples are incomplete and incompatible with prevailing conditions. Important terms are undefined, and other terms that would provide necessary context are missing. As the New Year approaches, the well-being of the Jewish People requires articulation of the additional principles and definitions appearing below.
PEOPLE - “People” shall be classified according to ethno-religious identity. No other classification, whether based on physical characteristics, anthropological evidence and/or historical patterns shall be recognized. Common or universal attributes shall be disregarded. People shall be classified as Jewish People or non-Jewish People. People (if any) existing before the magical emergence of the Jewish People 5768 years ago need not be classified, and shall not be considered, when determining contemporary rights to land or physical resources in the Middle East (see “self-determination,” below). People who need people are not the luckiest people in the world.
Examples of manifestations of anti-semitism include “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination.”
Despite their laudable intentions, the definition and accompanying examples are incomplete and incompatible with prevailing conditions. Important terms are undefined, and other terms that would provide necessary context are missing. As the New Year approaches, the well-being of the Jewish People requires articulation of the additional principles and definitions appearing below.
PEOPLE - “People” shall be classified according to ethno-religious identity. No other classification, whether based on physical characteristics, anthropological evidence and/or historical patterns shall be recognized. Common or universal attributes shall be disregarded. People shall be classified as Jewish People or non-Jewish People. People (if any) existing before the magical emergence of the Jewish People 5768 years ago need not be classified, and shall not be considered, when determining contemporary rights to land or physical resources in the Middle East (see “self-determination,” below). People who need people are not the luckiest people in the world.
ISRAEL – “Israel” is the nation-state of indeterminate boundaries established by and for the Jewish People as an expression of their self-determination. Non-Jewish People may temporarily visit Israel as a theme park, but should not hang around like they belong here.
ANTI-SEMITISM (ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES) – “Anti-Semitism” includes the application of universal values and international norms to the Jewish People in Israel. Anti-Semitism also includes the characterization of the conscious or unconscious motivations of non-Jewish People, in their relations with the Jewish People, as other than anti-semitic. The predicted End-of-Days destruction of the Jewish People, as espoused by Christian Zionists, shall not constitute anti-semitism.
SELF-DETERMINATION – “Self-determination” is the right of the Jewish People to establish a nation-state on Middle-Eastern land principally inhabited by non-Jewish People during or before 1948. The boundaries of such a nation-state shall be established by the Jewish People in the places and at the times determined by the Jewish People, when and as the Jewish People get around to it. Within the region known as Greater Israel (as defined by the Jewish People), no right to self-determination shall accrue to non-Jewish People unless and until the right of the Jewish People to self-determination shall be expressly forfeited with respect to specific land by the Jewish People (i.e., the Jewish Right of First Refusal). With respect to the land known as Greater Jerusalem (as defined by the Jewish People), no right to self-determination shall accrue to non-Jewish People at any time, even if, God forbid, some soft-in-the-head Israeli governmental entity should purport to forfeit the superior claim of the Jewish People to any such land (even an inch).
The right of the Jewish People to self-determination shall include the right to prevent non-Jewish People from spoiling that right by residing among the Jewish People (with such temporary exceptions as the Jewish People, in their sole discretion, shall permit for shabbes goyim and manual laborers).
No right to self-determination shall accrue to the self-described “Palestinian people” within the region known as Greater Israel (as defined by the Jewish People) unless and until the realm known to non-Jewish People as Hell “freezes over.”
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