Thursday, September 18, 2008


During an acrimonious meeting of Yisrael’s security cabinet, PM Noam Federman insisted on clear answers and swift results from his military commanders, according to a dog present at the meeting. In an exclusive interview with Circus Israel, Zion, a pure-breed Canaan Dog, described the often bitter exchanges among the PM, Chief of Staff Effi Eitam, Acting Defense Minister Shmuel Ben-Yishai, Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpe, Rabbi David Dudkevitch, Rabbi Yosef Dayan and General Yitzhak “Haki” Harel. As a result of the meeting, Zion said, the multi-pronged assault - dubbed by Federman “the 5-Day War” even before it began - will accelerate dramatically.

Although Zion occasionally napped under a table, he claims that his waking memories are precise “because they came with a smell.” Excerpts from a transcript of Zion’s report appear below. (NOTE to ultra-orthodox readers: Zion the talking dog is a “literary device.”)

FEDERMAN: (to EITAM) Where’s the attack? Nothing’s happening. What’re you waiting for?

EITAM: What am I waiting for?! A ground war with 3 nations and Gaza, an air war with Iran, maybe I should have some PLANS!!!

FEDERMAN: I gave you plans! Attack our enemies and redeem our land!


DAYAN: All this talk of compromise! What of the Kingdom of the Jewish People?!

[ZION: I kind’ve spaced out at this point. I really had to lick my nuts.]

* * *

HAREL: Morale is horrible. Soldiers are disappearing from their units.

BEN-YISHAI: Look for them in Tel Aviv. Attack the Nazis in Tel Aviv!

DAYAN: Listen, listen! Shabbat is coming! There must be an eruv!

WOLPE: Yes, Rabbi Dayan is entirely correct! An eruv!

HAREL: What’re you talking about? Poles and wires?

DAYAN: All the way to the front lines. To Beirut, to Damascus, there must be an eruv!

WOLPE: And for the pilots. An eruv in the air!

[ZION: (sniffing) Dayan had shawarma today.]

* * *

DUDKEVITCH: I’m weary of hearing our commanders whine. I don’t judge anyone, but this weakness is very grave.

WOLPE: It’s an outrage!

HAREL: Why did I come out of retirement?

DUDKEVITCH: Then go back. Mister “I-kill-Arabs-like-mowing-a-lawn.” Go mow your lawn at home!

EITAM: Go send your own army! Send your hilltop boys with their paint cans and BAGS OF SHIT!!

BEN-YISHAI: Don’t be so cute. The boys would go! If the IDF would provide massive weapons superiority and shackle the Arabs, the boys would deal a decisive blow before the sun sets on Netzarim!!

[ZION: (sniffing) Is Wolpe trying to clear the room?]

* * *

WOLPE: Who’s rounding up the secular traitors and dragging them to the front? This is not being discussed!!!

DAYAN: A pulsa denura on them!!!

WOLPE: From you? Your curses are nothing!!!

DAYAN: My curses bring angels of destruction!!!

WOLPE: My curses are atomic bombs!!!

DUDKEVITCH: Yisrael has atomic bombs. Are they ready, Federman?

FEDERMAN: Everything is ready but my CHIEF OF STAFF!!!


[ZION: Do these people ever stop yelling? I decided to get some sleep, but the mobile phones woke me up.]


DAYAN: Is that a kosher phone? Let me see it!!

BEN-YISHAI: It’s Baruch Ben Yosef. They think they saw an Arab! They're burning the orchards to find him!

WOLPE: It’s an outrage!

BEN-YISHAI: No, no, no, no, no. It’s a Motorola.

WOLPE: The terrorist must be found!!

DAYAN: Will they never cease their persecution of the Jewish People?!

DUDKEVITCH: Already I’m nostalgic for the simpler times. Ganging up on the shepherds, cursing the queers, making the seculars kiss my tuchus. Always something to loathe. A golden era of Jewish life!

[ZION: Somebody needs a mikvah in here.]

* * *

FEDERMAN: That’s it! The cowardly generals are dismissed! We move today!!!

WOLPE: Your dog is breaking wind!!

[ZION: You should talk, Rabbi.]

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